
Developmental Edit

(Rate $0.030 (NZD) per word)

The developmental edit comes before the line edit. It consists of:

  • A one off report on all aspects of your manuscript including elements such as plot, structure, characterisation, consistency and style.

Line Editing

(Rate $0.023 (NZD) per word)

Line editing comes after developmental editing and before copy editing. It focuses on improving readability, coherence and clarity, while keeping your voice and writing style intact.

Included in this service:

  • Consistency of tenses, tone, style, and voice

  • Continuity

  • Ensuring flow of text by removing awkward and cumbersome text

  • Removal of repetitive words, unnecessary words to tighten prose

  • Adjusting sentence structure and length for variety, consistency, and balance

  • Improve unnatural dialogue

  • Adapting tone of document to suit the audience or purpose

  • Enhance overall readability

  • Query plot holes

This service includes one round of line edits and one revision (on your edits, marked up)

Copy Editing

(Rate $0.021 (NZD) per word)

Copy editing comes after line editing and before proofreading. I will focus on accuracy, consistency.

Included in this service:

  • Check: spelling, grammar and punctuation errors

  • Checking for consistency in styles (numbers, names etc)

  • Ensure proper dialogue punctuation

  • Ensure continuity

  • Check for missing words, spaces

This service includes one round of copy edits. All edits are completed in Word, with tracked changes.


(Rate $0.020 (NZD) per word)

This is the final stage before publishing so that any remaining errors can be corrected.

Included in this service:

Checking of:

  • Grammar

  • Spelling

  • Punctuation

  • Double words/spaces

  • Check for widows and orphans

  • Spacing and format is correct

This service includes one round of proofreading. All edits are completed in Word, with tracked changes or PDF if formatting proofing is required.

Combo of Line & Copy editing

(Rate 0.035 (NZD) per word)

Included in this combo is:

  • one round of line editing

  • one revision (on your edits, marked up) and

  • one round of copy editing

Alpha Manuscript Assessment

(Flat Rate $250 (NZD)

I will assess the first 10k words of your manuscript.

Included in this service:

Feedback on:

  • structure

  • characters arc, connection with characters

  • plot

  • flow

  • readability

  • tone

This will be a smaller version of the Developmental Edit and is a good way to see if you are on track with your writing and how I can help you to tighten up you manuscript.

Which format do I use?

I accept Word docs. I can only accept PDF’s for the final proofread.

Free 2000 Word Sample Edit

To ensure our collaboration is right, I offer a free 2000 word sample edit (for manuscripts 10,000 words and above), which will not only allow you to see if we’re the right fit, it allows me to get a feel for your manuscript. If for any reason, you feel I’m not the right editor for you, you are free to move on to look for your perfect match.

Free No Obligation Quote

To be able to provide you with the best quote, you will need to send me the full manuscript so that I can discuss with you the scope of editing you require.

The manuscript remains in full confidence with only myself and will not be shared with a third party.

World Wide

I cater for clients around the world. I can edit your manuscript in UK/US English.

50% payment is due before editing begins, with the balance due on completion of the project.

All invoices to be paid through Pay Pal or Wise accounts.

Are you ready to begin?


Contact me now to get a no obligation quote.